1st January - 31 December 2025
STOR's members registered as ESTRO joint members are entitled to :
Access to ESTRO annual congress webcasts from 6 months and up to 1 year after the congress,
Reduced fee for attending ESTRO and joint conferences, ESTRO courses and contouring workshops,
Eligibility for special fees for members from low- and middle-income countries,
Access to the ESTRO E-Library,
Online access to Radiotherapy & Oncology,
Open access publication fee discount for Radiotherapy & Oncology,
Article processing fee discount for ctRO, phiRO and tips RO journals,
Access to ESTRO newsletters,
Eligibility for ESTRO mentoring programme,
Eligibility for awards/grants,
Eligibility to be a member of ESTRO focus groups.
By signing the joint membership agreement with ESTRO, STOR is entitled to:
Complimentary networking space and free exhibitor access to the ESTRO communities pavilion during the ESTRO annual congress,
Visibility on the ESTRO joint membership webpage,
Free online job postings on the ESTRO website,
Use of the ESTRO joint member logo.
Please complete all required fields!
Veuillez soumettre en pièce joint un scan ou une photo de votre justificatif de paiement.
Par virement bancaire ou dépôt sur le compte :
RIB 14 016 016 1017 00355 1 40 / STE TUN D'ONCOLO RADIOTHERRAPIE
Si vous n'arrivez pas à envoyer par pièce jointe la preuve de paiement, veuillez nous la faire parvenir par email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Conformément aux statuts du règlement de la STOR votre adhésion sera effective à compter de la réception du règlement de votre cotisation ainsi que l'acception par les membres de la STOR ESTRO de votre demande d'adhésion.